Kitty Contemplations
Indoor versus outdoor cats
What's best for cats? Living indoors or out? There's plenty of debate on this question, with good points on both sides, but there's only one right answer. (Hint: indoors.)
Why does my cat bite his nails?
I actually love watching a cat spread her hind toes and then fastidiously nibble each little claw in succession. It’s positively adorable. But is it a healthy behavior, or something to worry about?
How many litter boxes per cat do I need?
The old rule is one more litter box than the number of cats in your house. But why? And who came up with this rule? Read to learn all about the logic behind this relationship between litter boxes and cats!
The Pixiebob cat
Is this wild-looking cat really half-bobcat as some people claim? Read to find out!
Why do cats get the zoomies?
Out of nowhere, your cat goes from zero to 60 mph, like he’s being chased by an invisible demon.
How often should I take my cat to the veterinarian?
Some people say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But when it comes to cats and visits to the veterinarian, that’s about the worst advice you could take.
How to choose a kitten from a litter
It’s a big deal, choosing a kitten. If all goes well, the kitten you choose today could end up becoming the other half of one of the longer relationships you will have in life.
What is feline hyperesthesia syndrome (or twitchy cat disease)?
Feline hyperesthesia syndrome (FHS) is the strangest cat disease you’ve probably never heard of. This post is to explore what we know about FHS and what veterinarians are doing to diagnose and treat it.
What to do about a finicky cat
The frustration of presenting can after can of gourmet food to a cat who won’t even try it, is real. The expense is real, too. “Just eat already!” you want to say to your picky cat. It’s easy to feel like your finicky cat is trying to manipulate you. But the idea of a finicky cat is really a myth. Read to find out why.
The Abyssinian cat
Forget everything you ever heard about the Abyssinian cat. It's not an ancient breed and it doesn't come from Abyssinia. But this is a fantastic cat and gorgeous, too!
Why do cats stretch so much?
When they're not eating, playing, or sleeping, cats are stretching, right? Wrong! Cats don't stretch - they pandiculate! Read to find out all about pandiculation and cats in this post!
Are all white cats deaf?
Are all white cats deaf? Are all blue-eyed white cats deaf? The simple answer is, "no," but the full answer to this question is fascinating.