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Kitty Contemplations

Why do cats eat paper and cardboard?

Read this post to learn the five reasons why cats chew or eat cardboard and paper products -- and whether you should stop yours from doing so.

Cats can't resist a cardboard box! See the shelter kitties go wild for a Monster Cheese Wedge

I owe more than a little something to cats. The love and companionship they have openly shared with me over the years...

On boxes, Schrödinger's Cat, and The Big Bang Theory

What do cats in boxes, quantum physics, and the popular TV show, Big Bang Theory have in common? Read and find out!

Four Signs You Might Be a Cat Person

There are “cat people” and there are “dog people.” Right? Many of us identify strongly one way or the other. But is it just a personal preference or does being a cat person or a dog person reflect something deeper within us?

Why We Love Cats

Scientific studies have shown that owning and spending time with cats is good for our health. But, after a lifelong relationship with cats, including the two special felines I've described in this story, I suspect that the real reason we love cats may be something else entirely.
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