Kitty Contemplations
Why does my cat stick his butt in my face?
I have loved all of my cats, but there are just some body parts I don’t need to get up close and personal with. What do cats mean when they expose their rear ends to you? Are they being rude and insulting? Are they trying to offend?
The Havana Brown cat
I love chocolate in all its forms, including the "chocolate delight" that is the Havana Brown cat.
The 2022 cat-food shortage and what to do about it
A trip to your local grocery store or pet shop for your cat's favorite food can be scary. The shelves are almost bare! What is going on? What can you do to make sure your cat gets fed?
My cat is stuck in a tree! What should I do?
If your beloved cat is stuck in a tree, you’re probably doing what I would be doing right now: panicking. Learn the steps you can take to get your cat out of the tree and back into your arms.
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in cats
Perhaps you’ve fallen in love with an FIV-positive cat at the shelter, and you want to know if this is a health problem you can deal with. Learn what you need to know about FIV in this post.
Do cats remember people?
You're going away to college, or on a long vacation. Will your cat remember you when you get back?
What kind of food bowl or water dish should I buy for my cat?
Metal, ceramic, glass, or plastic? What kind of food bowl or water dish is best for your cat? The pet-bowl aisle at the Big Box pet stores can be overwhelming. There are so many choices! But it's easy to narrow down the best options for your cat once you know the facts.
The American Shorthair Cat
American Shorthair cats came to be in the way many Americans have become citizens: through immigration. Read to learn more about this hearty, healthy, lovely breed of cat.
Should I put a collar on my cat?
There should be an easy answer to this question, but there isn't. In this post I'll discuss the benefits and potential dangers of collars.
My cat has fleas! What should I do?
As small as they are, fleas aren’t just a little problem. One itty bitty flea can turn into a monster swarm of 20,000 fleas in just 60 days. The bites can drive a cat absolutely mad with irritation, and a serious infestation can be life-threatening to some cats. Read to learn more than you ever really wanted to know about fleas.
The tuxedo cat
All cats are elegant. But the tuxedo cat, outfitted by nature in a dinner jacket, white bib, and spats, seems to have an added flair.
Hepatic lipidosis in cats
Every loving cat guardian should know about hepatic lipidosis. It's the most common liver disease in cats and the disease is almost certainly fatal if not treated immediately.