Cat info
Cats and hairballs
Cats and hairballs, hairballs and cats. It’s just one of those unfortunate facts of cat ownership, right? Having a cat just means finding that occasional slimy glob of fur and stomach juices on the nicest, most-expensive flooring in your home. Or does it?
What to say and do when someone loses a pet
Perhaps you’re the one who’s experienced pet loss, and was surprised when an otherwise caring friend said something hurtful. Or maybe you didn’t know what to say when a friend's pet died.
Why do cats sleep so much?
Cats sleep, and they sleep, and they sleep some more. Why do cats sleep so much, and how much is "normal"? What should you do if your cat seems to be sleeping too much, or if your cat is sleeping more or less than is normal for her? This blog post covers everything you'd want to know about cats and sleeping.
Why do cats put their ears back?
Do you know what ears forward means, or swiveling ears, or sideways ears? Learn to read your cat's moods by learning to read her ears!
How to get cat pee out of carpet
If cat pee is "just pee" why is it so much smellier than other pee? Read to learn more about what makes cat pee "special" and how to effectively clean even old cat pee stains from a carpet.
How old do cats have to be to get fixed?
Every kitten, except those intended for breeding, should be spayed or neutered by five months old. Read to learn why early spaying and neutering is safe, and why spaying and neutering makes cats healthier, happier, and easier to live to with.
The Manx cat
The Manx is a cat breed known for having no tail. That statement is only partially true, however. Manx cats can have no tail, they can have a stump of a tail, they can have half a tail, or they can have a tail that is of average length. Learn all about this unusual breed and its tail or no tail.
Why do cats spray or mark with urine?
Spraying, also called urine marking, has got to be one of the most frustrating problems a cat guardian will experience. It may feel like your cat is being vindictive, or getting territorial with your things and your home. But nothing could be further from the truth. Read to learn what's really behind this aggravating cat behavior.
Do cats have 9 lives?
Cats, as we cat-lovers know all too well, are mortal, with but one all-too-short life to live. People in medieval times thought cats were evil or mystical, and thus attributed special powers to them, like extra lives. But why do we say that cats have nine lives today, hundreds of years later, when we know better?
The Scottish Fold cat
The Scottish Fold is cuteness incarnate. Even celebrities like Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift can't refuse their charms. But there are some who say the Scottish Fold, one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, shouldn't be bred at all. Read to learn more about this unusual cat and the controversy that goes along with it.
Why do cats hiss?
Hissing is not what you think it is. A hissing cat is not being aggressive. A hissing cat isn't mad at you. A hissing cat doesn't dislike you. So what does hissing really mean? Read to find out!