Why do cats sleep so much?

Cats sleep. And they sleep. And they sleep. They sleep curled into tight balls, or stretched out on the floor. They sleep on their backs; they sleep sitting up. They sleep with twisted torsos and they sleep with dangling limbs.
Do you envy all that sleep? Or do you worry that it’s too much, that your cat is sleeping his only life away?
How many hours a day do cats sleep?

It’s not your imagination: cats sleep a lot. In fact, they’re amongst the sleepiest animals in the world, right up there with three-toed sloths (who need 16.4 hours a day), brown bats, (19.9 hours), opossums (19.4 hours), and giant armadillos (18.8). As a reference, African elephants sleep two hours a day.[1] Elephants probably get a lot more done than cats.
But how much are cats supposed to sleep? I’m not sure we really know. Do a Google search and you’ll get conflicting answers, none of which are based in science. One website says that cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day, but up to 20 is “normal.”[2] Another will tell you that cats sleep 13-16 hours day.[3] And yet another says that 16 hours is exactly the right amount of sleep for cats.[4]
One scientific paper reviewed almost 200 separate studies about animals and sleep. This review of the scientific literature about cats and sleep concluded that cats sleep 10-13 hours a day.[5]
That’s still a lot of sleep, but I’m going to guess that your indoor cats probably sleep more than that. Let’s talk first about why cats sleep “a lot” and then about why your cats may be sleeping more than “a lot.”
Why cats sleep a lot

Our housecats, who live in our air-conditioned homes and eat food from a can, are actually not all that far removed from their ancestors, the African wildcat.
Wild cats need a lot of sleep. Why? All felines are obligate carnivores, meaning eating meat is a biological necessity. They must hunt for food to survive. Carnivores expend a lot of energy feeding themselves, especially compared to herbivores (who eat only plants) and omnivores (who eat both plants and animals).
Sneaking up and pouncing on prey is just plain exhausting. Cats in the wild work hard, and after they expend that kind of physical energy, they need a lot of time to recharge.
That’s not the only reason wildcats rest, especially during the day. African wildcats live in hot climates, and they’ve adapted to that by conserving energy during the heat of the day. Resting, rather than hunting, during the hottest hours, helps them regulate body temperature.[6]

Your cat may be lounging in front of a big fan in your living room, but he still has the physiology of his predator ancestors. He’s hardwired to behave like he needs to recuperate from a big hunt, or like he’s living on a scorching savannah. He might not need as much sleep as his wild relatives, but his body thinks he does.
When is “sleeping a lot” too much sleeping?
Ah, this is the big question, and we loving cat guardians need to try to answer it.
One source that I consulted suggested that adult farm cats only spend nine hours a day sleeping. They were engaged in hunting behaviors during the rest of the day.[7]
Somewhere between the nine hours of sleep that busy farm cats are getting and the 20 hours suggested by other sources as “normal” is probably the right number of hours for our housecats to be sleeping.

Why would a cat sleep more than she really needs to sleep? If your cat is otherwise mentally and physically healthy (see the section below if your cat is suddenly sleeping more – or less – than usual) it’s possible that your cat simply doesn’t have anything else to do.
Cats who sleep too much may be bored
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There are many ways to keep cats from being bored and sleeping their lives away. Here are a few ideas:
Cats alter sleep patterns to spend time with people

If you think that you don’t have any influence on how much or when your cat sleeps, one study showed that cats will actually adjust their sleep patterns to spend more time interacting with their humans.[8]
Most cat sleep studies are done on laboratory cats, which doesn’t tell us much about our pet cats. But an Italian scientist studied cats at home to see how they behaved. It was a small study, with only 10 cats. Five of the cats lived in smaller homes in close quarters with their owners. The other five lived on bigger properties and were locked outside at night.
Over time, cats in the first group began to mimic the lives of their owners, eating and sleeping at the same times, and being active when their owners were home. The other group of cats developed a nocturnal lifestyle and adopted more feral ways.
This study shows how important our presence is to our cats. Cats adapt their activity level to us and our lifestyles.[9]
Conclusion: spend time with your cat. (I didn’t need to tell you that, did I?)
When should I be concerned about my cat’s sleeping habits?

The most important thing for cat guardians to notice, when it comes to sleep or anything else, is change.
Prick up your ears if your cat is sleeping more or less than is usual for him, and make an emergency appointment with your veterinarian if you notice a change.
Your cat is sleeping more than is normal for him
Your cat is suddenly sleeping less than is normal for her
Cats may “fake” sleep when stressed
Not all sleeping cats are actually sleeping.

Cats feign sleep when they are stressed. A cat who is feigning sleep will have a tense body, with her tail wrapped closely around her. Her paws may be tucked underneath and her ears may be upright and slightly forward, as if listening to every sound. Her eyes may be open or closed, but she is aware of her surroundings.
This behavior reflects a high level of fear and anxiety and is often seen in cats in shelter settings.
If you suspect your cat may be feigning sleep, make sure he has what are considered to be the Five Pillars of a Healthy Feline Environment:
For more information about the Five Pillars, read this publication:
AAFP and ISFM Feline Environmental Needs Guidelines
Do cats dream?

Cats and humans have a good bit in common when it comes to sleep. Cat and human schedules are dictated by circadian rhythms: the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. We both respond to light and dark[10], tending to be sleepier at night and more wakeful in the morning.
Like us, cats experience sleep cycles that include both REM and non-REM sleep.
REM sleep is very deep sleep. Human brain waves are very active during REM sleep – similar to what is seen in wakefulness. Breathing is fast and irregular, the heart rate goes up, and blood pressure increases. Humans dream during REM sleep.
Cats have REM sleep, too. An EEG (electroencephalogram) shows erratic brain-wave activity, similar to an awake cat. Cats, too, will have rapid, irregular breathing, fluctuating heart rates, and jerky eye movements. Whiskers will twitch, tails will flick, and paws will move. A cat may even snore.
Are cats dreaming during REM sleep the way we do? Read this post, "Do cats dream?" to find out more.
What is a cat nap?

During non-REM sleep, humans experience lighter sleep, with slower brain-wave activity, a more relaxed body, and slower heart rate and breathing. Cats’ non-REM sleep is also light, with slow brain waves.
Interestingly, cats in non-REM sleep are ready to leap into action at any moment! Their muscles and senses remain active. They are ready to bolt after prey, or to escape danger, if necessary.[11]
A typical cat sleep cycle looks like this:
- 10-30 minutes of non-REM sleep during which the cat may be easily awoken.
- 10 minutes of deep REM sleep.
- A repeating of the REM/non-REM cycle until the cat wakes up.[12]
Why do cats sleep?

We don’t know exactly why humans or cats sleep but we do know that sleep is essential to life itself. We literally will die without sleep. It is as essential as food and water.
Sleep affects almost every type system in the human body: brain, heart, lungs, metabolism, the immune system, and mood. A lack of sleep can cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression high blood pressure, and obesity in people. We can’t learn or create new memories without sleep.[13] This is probably true of cats as well.
We do know that sleeping makes animals vulnerable but that they do it anyway. The benefits of sleep obviously outweigh the risks.
Kittens and senior cats have different sleep requirements

Newborn kittens sleep close to 24 hours a day. A kitten’s nervous system isn’t fully developed at birth, so during the first three weeks of life a kitten sleeps at least 90% of the time. Mama cat licks her babies awake to nurse.[14]
Young kittens continue to sleep most of the day with a few brief bursts of energy between meals.[15] Adolescent cats have more erratic sleep patterns, interspersed with periods of intense playfulness.
Eventually, as the kitten grows, his need to sleep slowly diminishes, until the kitten’s sleep pattern resembles that of an adult cat.
By the time a cat becomes a senior, her need for sleep may again increase.
A final fun cat sleep fact

Cats sleep more during rainy or cold days, even indoor-only cats.[16]
I totally get it, cats.
Still interested in reading more about cats and sleeping? Read this post, “Why does my cat sleep with me?”
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Dawn LaFontaine
Dawn LaFontaine is a lifelong animal lover who always seems to have a little pet hair in her keyboard. Her blog, Kitty Contemplations, helps cat guardians better understand and care for the special beings they share their lives and homes with. Her cat-products business, Cat in the Box, sells beautiful, well-made, and award-winning products that she designed to meet the biological needs of cats.
[1] Fry, Alexa. “The Connection between Animal and Human Sleep.” Sleep Foundation, 17 Feb. 2021, www.sleepfoundation.org/animals-and-sleep/connection-between-human-and-animal-sleep.
[2] Editorial, PetMD. “Why Do Cats Sleep so Much?” PetMD, PetMD, 7 July 2016, www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/evr_ct_why_do_cats_sleep_so_much.
[3] “How Many Hours a Day Do Cats Sleep? Why Do They Sleep so Much?” Sleep Advisor, 18 June 2020, www.sleepadvisor.org/why-do-cats-sleep-so-much/.
[4] Johnson, Samantha. “How Many Hours a Day Do Cats Sleep?” K&H Pet Products, K&H Pet Products, 11 Sept. 2020, khpet.com/blogs/cats/how-many-hours-a-day-do-cats-sleep.
[5] Campbell, Scott & Tobler, Irene. (1984). Animal sleep: A review of sleep duration across phylogeny. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. 8. 269-300. 10.1016/0149-7634(84)90054-X. www.researchgate.net/figure/SLEEP-DURATIONS-FOR-168-SPECIES-Continued_tbl1_16692721
[6] “How Do the Wild Cats Deal with the SUMMER HEAT?” The Wildcat Sanctuary, 18 July 2013, www.wildcatsanctuary.org/how-do-the-wild-cats-deal-with-record-breaking-heat/.
[7] Waring, Laura. “Why Do Cats Sleep so Much?” Vet Help Direct, 4 Jan. 2021, vethelpdirect.com/vetblog/2021/01/10/why-do-cats-sleep-so-much/.
[8] “Why Do Cats Sleep so Much?” Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, 5 May 2021, www.ovrs.com/blog/cats-sleep/.
[9] Piccione, Giuseppe, et al. “Daily Rhythm of Total Activity Pattern in Domestic Cats (Felis Silvestris Catus) Maintained in Two Different Housing Conditions.” Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Elsevier, 5 Jan. 2013, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1558787812001220?via%3Dihub.
[10] “Circadian Rhythms.” National Institute of General Medical Sciences, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.nigms.nih.gov/education/fact-sheets/Pages/circadian-rhythms.aspx.
[11] “Why Do Cats Sleep so Much?” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., www.britannica.com/story/why-do-cats-sleep-so-much.
[12] Todd, Zazie. “How Much Do Cats Sleep, and Where Do They Prefer to Sleep?” How Much Do Cats Sleep, and Where Do They Prefer to Sleep?, Blogger, 17 July 2020, www.companionanimalpsychology.com/2020/06/how-much-do-cats-sleep-and-where-do.html.
[13] “Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep.” National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Understanding-Sleep.
[14] Marek, Ramona. “Catnap CONNOISSEURS: How Cats Sleep.” Fear Free Happy Homes, 30 Apr. 2021, www.fearfreehappyhomes.com/catnap-connoisseurs-how-cats-sleep/.
[15] “Animal Emergency Center.” My Cat Sleeps Constantly, When Should I Worry? | Memphis Emergency Vet, www.aecmemphis.com/site/vet-blog-memphis/2020/02/13/my-cat-sleeps-constantly-when-should-i-worry.
[16] Editorial, PetMD. “Why Do Cats Sleep so Much?” PetMD, PetMD, 7 July 2016, www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/evr_ct_why_do_cats_sleep_so_much.