Cat info
What is the primordial pouch in cats?
Have you noticed your cat has some loose belly skin? Are you worried that her stomach is hanging low because she's overweight? It's actually a perfectly normal part of any cat's anatomy.
Excessive grooming in cats
Cats are clean by nature. They devote up to half of their waking hours to grooming and licking themselves spotless. But sometimes they take it too far, licking themselves constantly, obsessively, and compulsively. Some cats groom themselves bald. Some cats lick until their skin is raw and infected. How do you know when grooming is actually too much grooming?
Separation anxiety in cats
Cats are supposed to be aloof, right? But what if your cat really can’t live without you, not even for a few minutes?
Why does my cat bite me gently?
Is your cat a kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, purring happily on your lap one minute, and then sinking his teeth into your hand the next? Does your cat start out playing with you and then end up biting? Cat bites happen, and they happen for different reasons, and they differ in meaning depending upon your cat. Read to find out more about why cats bite and what to do about it.
What is the Siberian Cat?
This cat was built for roughing it in one of the coldest places on earth, but she's more than just fluff.
How do you know if your cat is sick?
Does something seem "off" about your cat? Are you worried, but think that maybe you're just being a worrywart? Read to find out what are some of the signs of illness or injury in cats.
How to help a cat lose weight
Is your cat overweight or obese? How do you know? Should you put your cat on a diet, and if so, how much should you feed him? We answer all of these questions in this in-depth blog post about cat obesity.
Why do cats have whiskers?
Whiskers don't look like much, but they're actually a cat's superpower. Read to find out what whiskers are and how cats use them to navigate the world.
Why does my cat take food out of his bowl to eat?
Does your cat dip a paw into his food bowl and then eat his food off the paw or the floor? Does your cat grab a bite from his bowl and then run off into another room to eat? Read to learn more about these unusual cat behaviors and what, if anything, you should do about them.
What is the Norwegian Forest Cat?
The Norwegian Forest Cat is a mystery wrapped in fluff. Learn more about this sweet, friendly, family-oriented, and stunning breed of cat.
Wet food or dry food? What is better for your cat?
Do you feed dry cat food because it's convenient? Maybe you think canned food is "better" for cats. Read to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each formulation of cat food diet.
Why do cats purr?
We all think we know why cats purr. It’s because they’re happy, right? Well…it’s a bit more complicated than that. Let’s explore one of the best things about having a cat in your lap: the mesmerizing, soothing, vibrations we call the purr. My blood pressure dropped a few points just thinking about it.