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Kitty Contemplations

What is a Turkish Van cat?

Is it a dog, or is it a cat? Read to learn more about the Turkish Van cat, one of the oldest and rarest cat breeds of all.

Why doesn't my cat cover or bury her poop?

Did you know that wild cats only cover their poop under certain circumstances? Why then, do our cats cover their poop at all, and should I be worried if my cat suddenly stops covering her poop?

How do I know if my cat is happy?

Cats make us happy. But are they happy? What signs should you be looking for to know how your cat is feeling? Look for vocal cues, body language, and gestures to know whether or not your cat is happy.

Should I adopt an older cat?

Adopting an older cat probably isn't what you think it's going to be. Read about the myths that surround taking in a senior cat, and also all the unexpected joys.

Why do cats eat grass and then throw up?

Cats are weird. They eat grass and then vomit. Theories abound about why they would do such a strange thing. But only science can really explain why.

Why are cats so crazy for catnip?

What is it about catnip that makes cats wild? Is catnip a drug? Should I be worried about letting my cat use catnip?

Road trip! How to take my cat on a trip in the car

There’s the Thelma & Louise fantasy of riding in the car with your cat: two carefree souls, out on the open road, looking for adventure. And then there’s the reality of riding in the car with your cat: mile after mile of skull-rattling meowing.

Why does my cat knock things over?

Anyone who lives with a cat knows to keep their breakable valuables off tables and shelves. Why do cats seem to take perverse pleasure in knocking things over?

How to keep litter-box odor under control

It's every cat owner's Holy Grail: an odorless litter box. But is it possible?

Can cats and dogs get along?

Do cats and dogs have to fight like cats and dogs? Read to find out.

What is a Sphynx cat?

Glorious wrinkles upon wrinkles. An expression that could wilt the most self assured among us. And a tail that could slice through cake.

Should you microchip your cat?

Wondering if microchipping is safe for your cat? Worth the expense? Dangerous? Read and find out whether you should microchip your cat.
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