Mega Milk Carton Cardboard Cat House
Regular price $38.99
Does your cat love cardboard boxes? Are you living with dirty, ugly Amazon boxes in your home? Are you worried about your cat chewing or licking boxes that might not be safe? The Mega Milk Carton is clean, cat safe, fun, and attractive!
What feline doesn’t appreciate a nice saucer of milk? Perhaps he’d like to pour it himself. This oversized milk-container-shaped cardboard box toy for box-loving cats makes a great piece of cat furniture or cat cave for your cat to climb into. It is easily enjoyed on its side as well as in an upright position. And if your cat likes a good chuckle, perhaps he’ll enjoy the little bit of kitty humor on the carton, too.
Assembled, the Mega Milk Carton is approximately 26 inches tall and 12 1/2 inches wide and deep. Holes are approximately 6 1/2 inches in diameter.
Note that the box is made from recycled cardboard, so you can be assured you're buying an environmentally friendly product, and the inks are all soy-based: the same ones used in human food packaging, so you can be sure they're safe for your cats. The boxes and inks are made in the USA.
- Made in the USA.
- Imprinted with human-grade soy-based inks.
- Made from recycled cardboard.
“Says here that cats shouldn’t drink milk the way they do in cartoons,” I said from the living room. Mr. Whiskers was patiently mewing at a gallon of milk sitting on the counter with an eager, hungry tone. He would mew, sit, flail his tail while looking at me, then get up and do the whole thing all over again. “Cats don’t have the enzymes that allow them to digest lactose. That’s just the way it is, Mr. Whiskers!” I was starting to get frustrated at his persistence.
“Mowwwwww,” he cried loudly, audibly filled with disappointment. I continued looking for evidence that it was okay to give cats milk, but all the science-backed materials stated otherwise. I looked at Mr. Whiskers. His tail was limp, eyes solemn. He let out another depressed mew.
I continued what I thought was a futile search in an attempt to appease Mr. Whiskers’ desire for milk, when I came across a unique feline-centric item. It was a milk-carton-shaped cardboard cat house from a website called catisinthebox.com. I got up and walked over to where Mr. Whiskers languished on the countertop.
“Would this make you happy?” I asked, turning the laptop screen toward him, displaying the cardboard milk carton cat house.
“MEOW, MEOW, MEEEEOOOOWWW!” He got up from his spot and started excitedly rubbing his sides along my outstretched arms.